How it Works!
Welcome to the Clues and Solutions page for all of our Enigma Emporium games! We're excited you're here, and look forward to assisting you in your puzzling journey. Before you dive in, we want to cover two things.
First, what's the best way to use these pages? Well, we like to tell people that how they tackle our games is entirely up to them. These clues are designed to modify the difficulty of our games, not to ruin the fun. So if you're new to puzzle games, or just not used to ones presented in this sort of style, we encourage you to start by getting a few light hints for each puzzle to point you in the right direction. This will make your experience much more fun and, when you feel like you don't need them anymore, you can stop using them.
The clues for each puzzle are tiered, starting very vague and gradually getting more specific, so you won't spoil anything for yourself by taking a hint or two to get you going.
Second, and most important, is the actual functionality of our clues pages. When you click through to a specific clues page you will see images of each puzzle followed by what appear to be empty text boxes, like this:
Surprise! I'm not really empty at all! All the hints will function just like this, so find the clue you want, click the eye button inside the box, and you're good to go!
Don't be fooled, though! Our clues are just a little hidden to keep you from accidentally seeing something you don't want to yet, such as a clue that's too specific or even the whole solution!
All you need to do to view any hint is select/highlight the secret text inside the box and you'll be able to read it. Go ahead and try it with the test box above!
See how easy that was! Now we've got one more thing for you. Since not everyone orders the bookmarks separately, we've placed the key's here for you:
ᒧ ⊔ ᒪ ⊐ ☐ ⊏ ᒣ ⊓ ᒥ ⟓ ⨃ ᒷ ⪾ 🝕 ⪽ ᒬ ⩀ ⟔ ᐯ ᐳ ᐸ ᐱ ⟇ ᑀ ᑅ ⟑
.- / -... / -.-. / -.. / . / ..-. / --. / .... / .. / .--- / -.- / .-.. / -- / -. / --- / .--. / --.- / .-. / ... / - / ..- / ...- / .-- / -..- / -.-- / --..
And that's all you need! Thank you again for being here, good luck on your journey, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or issues you may have.