Trick or Treat - Card 6
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
You'll want to solve all the other cards first before you start this puzzle.
Clue 2
Each named person is giving out a specific type of candy.
Clue 3
No one is giving out candy in the southwest block.
Clue 4
Erin is giving out Jolly Ranchers next to the park.
Due to the complexity of this puzzle and how inter-connected it is, the solution is best presented in the format of a separate logical breakdown. To view this breakdown, click here.

Clue 1
You'll want to solve all the other cards AND the previous puzzle first before you start this puzzle.
Clue 2
The only important house numbers are red.
Clue 3
You've done other ciphers like this before where numbers can be turned into letters.
Clue 4
1=A, 2=B...
he red numbers are 19, 21, 7, 1, 18 or what all children love SUGAR.