Card 1 Cryptids
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Clue 1
Hmm... that URL doesn't seem to work.
Clue 2
Hmm... that URL doesn't seem to work backwards either -- though that might help you find out how to get it!
Final Solution: The word in the URL is the word "Stamp" written backwards. So you should look to your stamp for help completing the proper URL.

Clue 1
Have you already discovered what other element on the card is pointing to the stamp? If not, you should work on the rest of the card and come back to this later.
Clue 2
Not only is the word "pmats" in the URL pointing here, but it's giving you a clue that'll help you decode it.
Clue 3
A second clue can be found in the background behind the numbers... That shape will point you to a certain "code" of sorts...
Clue 4
Hexagon... What well known numerical system also starts with "hex"?
Clue 5
It's hexadecimal alright, but the way it's written it doesn't make sense. Don't forget about the URL. It didn't just say "stamp," did it?
The two items needed to solve this puzzle are knowing that it's hexadecimal (based on the shape in the background and confirmed by the format it's written in) and knowing that it's all backwards.if you reverse the text, you'll be able to decode it into:cryptozoology so you real URL will be:

Clue 1
Have you found a functioning website link yet? If not, you should work on other puzzles and come back to this one later.
Clue 2
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the cryptozoology faculty page and how it functions. Understanding how to interact with the page may help you solve the puzzle without needing any more hints.
Clue 3
Did you notice that virtually every word in each person's bio is clickable? I know it seems like they just bounce you to the same page again, but that's not always the case.
Clue 4
Your images are clues, but you can narrow the search before you even get to that by focusing on just one bio.
Clue 5
Scarlett Long is the postcard writer.
Clue 6
Take the words as literally as possible. Some are well-hidden, perhaps as part of other words.
Final Solution: For this puzzle, you only need the text inside of Scarlett Long's bio, as indicated by the card. From there, you need to click 4 words in order, based on the images and arrows on the card. To advance, you need to click: Dartmouth, Books, Paris, Penn.
Two of these are hidden inside other words (Dartmouth and Penn State).

Clue 1
The quote on top lets you know you're on the right path here.
Clue 2
Specifically the writer of the quote and what they're most known for.
Clue 3
Figuring out what he and the other names listed here are known for will help you reach your goal.
Clue 4
Make sure you're the first to reach your goal.
Clue 5
All of these men famously made first ascents (I.E. they were the first to climb certain mountains) in the years listed. If you find the mountains they are credited with "first ascent" for, the first letters of those mountains will give you your solution.
Final Solutions: The mountains are Yerupaja , Eiger, Torstein, and Ismoil Somoni Peak -- the first letters of these mountains/peaks spell the word "YETI"

Clue 1
Similar to the front of the card, you probably have an idea of what you're looking for and the background image confirms that.
Clue 2
Something sticks out a bit in this paragraph.
Clue 3
I'm counting on you to figure this out. I know you'll measure up.
Clue 4
Those numbers sure are interesting.
Clue 5
Those numbers will form the height of a specific mountain.
Final Solution: 27,940 ft is the height of Lhotse, the fourth highest mountain in the world.