Cryptids- Card 3
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Clue 1
A shark isn't much of a cryptid so this must be talking about something else.
Clue 2
Who is this guy?
Clue 3
If he's a real person, this must be a quote from him then.
Final Solution: The quote in question was referencing the cryptid Bunyip.

Clue 1
What do all these words have in common?
Clue 2
They're all exactly five letters long.
Clue 3
Is there anything else on this card that it could be relating to?
Clue 4
X marks the spot.
Final Solution:Notice that the X's along the center of the card only seem to have a varience of 5 (center, or up to 2 spaces left or right). So these are your index into the words. Reading top to bottom you get Canberra.

Clue 1
First, who are the people on these stamps? You may need to research this a bit.
Clue 2
Knowing where you are might help you more easily find out who they are.
Clue 3
If you know where you are, think of who might be in charge.
Clue 4
You are in Canberra, Australia and looking for Prime Ministers.
Clue 5
Your numbers on the stamps will make a bit more sense now, and will provide you with a roadmap.
Final Solution: Each number will guide you to a certain prime minister and, from there, so certain letters within their name.If you find all the prime ministers referenced and pull the correct letters, you should get the message: Find the damn scrivener.

Clue 1
Once again we have a paragraph of text that doesn't make much sense. What stands out?
Clue 2
There's something really great hidden in here.
Clue 3
There will be 5 words that all relate very specifically.
Clue 4
Superior isn't just a description
Final Solution: There is mention in this text of Huron, Eerie, Superior, Michigan, and Ontario. These are all the great lakes.

Clue 1
Alright, you've got a lot of pieces to work with, but you're still not sure where you cryptid is to be found. All the pieces will come together to point to a very specific location. Make sure you're solved all the other puzzles on the card to have all the data you need.
Clue 2
Alright, so we know we're in Australia, for a start. Possibly near Canberra. Do you know what you're looking for? A city, a mountain, a..?
Clue 3
Based on your paragraph, I'd say you're looking for a lake. Also, do you know how a lake can be made?
Clue 4
With a dam! Do you have any "dams" on your card? Or even, in a pinch, a "damn"?
Final Solution: Alright, we want an Australian lake. The prime minister paragraph indicates that we want a lake formed by Scrivener Dam, which would be Lake Burley Griffin.