Cryptids- Card 4
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
Do you know what this word means?
It translates to 'Home,' so maybe that's something. Otherwise, you might not get much from this word on its own.

Clue 1
There's a lot going on here. The writing, the arrangement, the picture. Try to break it down piece-by-piece before you put it all together.
Clue 2
First, what does the image look like? Does it relate to anything else on this card?
Clue 3
Second, have you translated the writing? It looks like numbers.
Clue 4
And finally, how many stamps are there and why are all the stamps rotating like that?
Final Solution: There's one stamp for each letter in the word Tadaima. The way the stamps move is indicating that you should rotate the letters in a rotational cipher. The numbers on each stamp tells you how far to rotate that letter. The word will translate to Cherufe.

Clue 1
Well, those are all islands. But we can't be on all of them at once. And maybe we're not on any of them. Is there something hidden within the islands?
Clue 2
The lines they're written on definitely mean something. And there's one for each island.
Clue 3
Some of them seem to be pointing you in a direction, but others are less clear.
Clue 4
Perhaps they're all pointing you in a direction, you just have to know how to read it.
Clue 5
If I'm pointing you to an exact middle, I guess I don't need to point left or right, do I?
Final Solution: The lines index into the islands. Left, right, or in some cases neither because it doesn't matter.
The way the lines are broken up indicate how far in you index. In some cases you land in the middle, which is why there's no arrow.
Counting in left, right, and center as indicated will give you the word Kyushu.

Clue 1
There are two things to consider here: the shape and the haiku. See if one mentions the other.
Clue 2
Presumably, the shape is the "water" referenced by the poem. Do you have some idea where you are, yet? Have you solved the words on the address bar?
Clue 3
If you have, then you know you're on Kyushu, one of Japan's 5 main islands.
Clue 4
From there, it's just a matter of searching to find out what the lake is
Located fairly south, the shape you see is the outline of Lake Ikeda.

Clue 1
If you're still not sure where your cryptid is, then you'll need to put some extra pieces together. Have you solved all the puzzles leading up to this one on the card?
Clue 2
If so, then you know you're somewhere near Lake Ikeda on Kyushu. There are a couple other elements on the card that'll point you in the right direction.
Clue 3
Firstly, the word Tadaima on the front means "home," but it doesn't show a lake, instead it shows a mountain.
Clue 4
And then you've got your haiku which says "close to the water" and, even more telling, "til I wake with fire." What kind of geographic feature is that?
Final Solution:All the hints are indicated a volcano, and the haiku will tell you that it's the closest volcano to Lake Ikeda. This should lead you to Mount Kaimon which is also known as Kaimondake