Carte Rouge - Hearts
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Hint 1
An odd alphabet, and not one I'm familiar with.
Hint 2
My King's clothing holds a secret to assist you
Hint 3
You may think me backwards, but that's a matter of perception.
Hint 4
Angels Script, Enochian... there are many names for that in which I'm written.
Hint 5
Not every language reads from left to right.
This language (Angels Script/Enochian) is read from right to left, and when translated this border reads: "Each offer conceals an end, best to accept and ascend."
Hint 1
Pause for a moment, and reflect on what you've accomplished thus far.
Hint 2
Each side is different but ever the same.
Hint 3
Restore order, for your majesty's sake.
Hint 4
One side to count, one side to spell.
Hint 5
Once you've spelled it all out, you may need to do some research.
The letters, reorganized by their corresponding numbers, yield "Yekaterina Velikaya", and some light research reveals that this is another name for "Catherine the Great" as she is known in English.

Hint 1
Order, above all else.
Hint 2
A message flanked by four familiar symbols.
Hint 3
You may try to switch sides, but we all have the same back to stab.
Hint 4
Reorder the border to restore order.
Hint 5
Heart, Club, Diamond, Spade. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Reading in the order indicated by the card backs (the same as the deck alphabet), and the symbols flanking each set of letters, her border reads: "Once your own fate is known, pass the cards to John Paul Jones."
Hint 1
The stave of my knave offers the clue you crave.
Hint 2
A pattern emerges in all things.
Hint 3
Red on white, then white on red...
Hint 4
Separate sides offer different pieces of the puzzle.
Organizing all the letters in the checkered squares following the pattern indicated by the staff the Jack of Clubs is holding (reading from left to right, top to bottom for each color set), her robes read: "There is one thing we yearn to earn, you must help your people learn."

Hint 1
An odd alphabet, and not one I'm familiar with.
Hint 2
My clothing holds a secret to assist you.
Hint 3
You may think me backwards, but that's a matter of perception.
Hint 4
Angels Script, Enochian... there are many names for that in which I'm written.
Hint 5
Not every language reads from left to right.
This language (Angels Script/Enochian) is read from right to left, and when translated this border reads: "The Tsar has been addressed, the throne can be repossessed."
Hint 1
My robes offer a clue for what contains the royalty of this suit.
Hint 2
Bold to assume all languages read left to right.
Hint 3
Follow the arrow to fulfill your purpose.
Hint 4
A gift of language from above.
Hint 5
Some research may still be required.
Following the arrows and reading from right to left on the King's Robes reveals the phrase, "Angels Script"