Copycat - Card 2
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Clue 1
Some lovely quotes, but I wonder where they're from...
Clue 2
They're very famous, and the Bard holds the truth.
Final Solution: Each quote is from a play by William Shakespeare. Read left to right, the first letter of each title gives the plaintext: Pat Otool.

Clue 1
Hard to see anything here without windows.
Clue 2
Though even these windows seem a bit full of something else.
Final Solution:Hidden in the windows of the globe theatre is the word: DUBAI.

Clue 1
The theme of this card will help you figure out these strings of letters.
Clue 2
This image in particular will help you narrow it down to just one play!
Clue 3
The cast of characters in this play will assist you.
Clue 4
Hamlet's list of characters will help you here.
Clue 5
Remember, it's not about what's there as what's missing.
Final Solution: Your text is made up of character names from Hamlet, only certain letters have been removed. The missing letters form the text: I robbed the Gardner Museum.

Clue 1
A classic cipher seen before.
Clue 2
The numbers must be a map for one of Shakespeare's works...
Clue 3
...but in this case, the play is NOT what you're looking for.
Clue 4
Shakespeare was known for writing something besides plays.
Clue 5
He has quite a large poetic body as well.
Final Solution: Each string of numbers correspons to Shakespeare's sonnets: sonnet number, line, and word. The resulting plaintext reads: I live like a king here. I will never return and never be a prisoner. Tell the world my story.