Clue 1
Pay attention to all the details.
Clue 2
Definitely not today.
Clue 3
Quaid? Dennis Quaid?
The movie poster is for The Day After Tomorrow, and the marquee tells you what tomorrow is…

Clue 1
Mimes are famous for being what?
Clue 2
There's a lot of text in this comic.
Clue 3
Which letters could be mimes?
Look at the silent letters in each word. Each letter (or set) represents a day with one missing.

Clue 1
The world isn't black and white. Not all X's and O's.
Clue 2
Okay, maybe it's a lot of X's. And some I's, V's, etc.
Clue 3
You can count on these letters to bail you out.
Pay attention to the Roman numerals around the panel and convert to letters.

Clue 1
What could the lockers be referencing?
Clue 2
The names are subtly changed to make it harder.
Clue 3
There's a hint on the paper the boy is holding…
The lockers refer to books of The Bible and specific verses that will remind you of a certain day.

Clue 1
The punchline will get you started.
Clue 2
Can you apply the joke to the other paintings?
Clue 3
Say the subject out loud to start.
Each painting subject sounds like the start of a day (Bat is Sat, Nun is Sun, etc) and one day is missing.

Clue 1
Can you see the charts clearly?
Clue 2
Consider the mathematical symbol in the doctor's statement.
Clue 3
Can you divide the two posters?
One poster contains more letters than the other. Remove pairs of shared letters from each poster until you have a day on one.

Clue 1
Seeing isn't always believing.
Clue 2
This is an old cipher presented in a new… perspective.
Clue 3
Pay attention to the floor.
The disco ball has braille letters throughout. Each color is oriented a different way based on the floor. One day isn't included.

Clue 1
Why does 'Gregorian' seem so familiar?
Clue 2
And what could a number as high as MDCCLVII mean?
Clue 3
Take this one month-by-month.
The stained glass windows represent three months of the year, the long numeric sequence is the year, and the highlighted panes are the day.

Clue 1
That building looks strange… yet familiar.
Clue 2
This one's pretty elemental.
Clue 3
Pay attention to the name of the building.
The building is a periodic table and the elements marked with ferns give you the letters to spell a day.

Clue 1
There's a small hint on the paint can.
Clue 2
This is the pig's cipher.
Clue 3
Pay attention to your edits or you may get the wrong day.
This is a simple pigpen cipher, however you must use the changed letters from the editor and not the originals on the wall.

Clue 1
Do you know all your animals?
Clue 2
Both by name and by… quantity.
Clue 3
One… two… two…
Take the letter of each animal (duck, snake, etc) indicated by how many of that animal there are.

Clue 1
This conversation seems very balanced…
Clue 2
Pay attention to how much is being said.
Clue 3
And consider those numbers in relation to a chess board.
There are the same number of letters in the two word balloons as on a chess board. The pieces on the board will let you index into the words.

Clue 1
The solution may not be where you're expecting it.
Clue 2
Pay attention to the cause of death.
Clue 3
Each one corresponds to the day it took place.
The first letters of the words in each cause of death are also the first letters of the days they took place on.

Clue 1
Do you know your bears' names?
Clue 2
This is quite the police index. Er, I mean lineup.
Clue 3
One number leads to a "dead end" and the other solves.
Arranging the bears by their letter, one set of numbers indexes into their names to spell a day.