Naughty or Nice - Card 2
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Clue 1
That quote on the front of the card is interesting.
Clue 2
There seem to be a lot of snowflakes on the front, but only a few will help you follow the snow.
Clue 3
It looks like there are snowflakes with stems pointing at certain words in that list.
Clue 4
What is the middle letter of each of these words?
There are four snowflakes pointing at the words Candy, Feast, Festive, and Freezes. The middle letters spell NATE, which is the name of this child.

Clue 1
Another beautiful snowflake, but this one comes with letters of its own.
Clue 2
It looks like the letters across from each other are pretty close in the alphabet.
Clue 3
What letter comes between these two letters?
Starting at the tip of the snowflake and going clockwise, the letters that exist in the alphabet between these letters are NICE. A nice puzzle for a nice child.

Clue 1
Those ornaments are the same color as the silhouette of Santa's sleigh.
Clue 2
There are eight different lines of ornaments representing eight different things.
Clue 3
How many reindeer pulled Santa's sleigh again?
Clue 4
After their names are written in, it's time to follow's Santa's journey from letter to letter, starting with CUPID's first letter.
In order, the reindeers names are Cupid, Rudolph, Donner, Vixen, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen, Comet. Following the red line from the top, you get the letters CHEESE PLATE, which is a delightful favorite food for a child.

Clue 1
That's a long list of names!
Clue 2
Well, not too long, there are only eight names, and they're the same color as something else here.
Clue 3
How many reindeer pulled Santa's sleigh again?
Clue 4
The colorful letters that helped you place Santa's original reindeer will help you once again.
Replace the names of Santa's reindeer with the list of new names. The letters that are already red in the ornaments are in the place of the letters you want from the new names. For example, the first reindeer has a Red "i" in the fourth spot. The fourth letter in Eliza is "Z." Doing this for each reindeer will give you the country of the child: "ZIMBABWE."

Clue 1
Oh! Another set of stamps!
Clue 2
This set of stamps also has 26 flanges around the edge.
Clue 3
Which flanges are missing from each stamp?
The missing flanges on these stamps are the 3rd, 8th, 5th, 19th, and 19th. Using a simple alpha-numeric cipher, this gives you CHESS, a beloved game of many (including this child).