Naughty or Nice - Card 4
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
That's a bold choice for the poem on the front of the card.
Clue 2
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh... that sounds familiar to a Christmas song or story...
Clue 3
That's right! The Three Wise Men!
Clue 4
How could the Three wise men help us with these bold letters?
This is a simple shift cipher using the number "3" from the three wise men. Using this will give you the name "ISABELLA".

Clue 1
Such a sweet pastoral scene...
Clue 2
...especially the cute little house.
Clue 3
The doors and windows are the best feature.
Hidden in the house's art style, you can see the letters "NICE" in the windows and doors, letting you know that the child within is also NICE.

Clue 1
Even more stamps!
Clue 2
Just like before, there are 26 flanges around the edges with a few missing.
Clue 3
However, this may need an extra step as this will only give you three letters.
Clue 4
What are these pictures of again?
The torn pieces of the stamps give you "POP" and the images on the stamps are "CORN" giving you a final tasty treat of "POPCORN."

Clue 1
We all have difficulty spelling sometimes.
Clue 2
Thankfully, all the letters just seem to have been swapped with the letter next to them!
Clue 3
I think there's one other place with some jumbled letters.
Clue 4
The signature on the front of the card is a bit mixed around too.
Switching the letters around in pairs like the front of the card gives you the message from this child, "IM FROM POLAND."

Clue 1
A wonderful little crossword & with only four answers this should be easy!
Clue 2
For the first clue, what animal might say "WHO" to you?
Clue 3
For the second clue, a large spoon will do.
Clue 4
For the third clue, the first half of a common game in gym class may help.
Clue 5
After all the answers are in the crossword, be sure to read that last sentence above the Clues.
The answers are "SCOWL (top), LADLE (right), DODGE (bottom), and SQUID (left). The letters in the corners give you a SLED.