Trick or Treat - Card 2
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions hereto learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
Where the text is from will only get you so far...
Clue 2
Some of those letters look like they're a different color.
Clue 3
Reflect on the title of the book.
Clue 4
It's from Through the Looking Glass.

Clue 1
That's a lot of different symbols!
Clue 2
In fact, there are two kinds of symbols paired together: Astrological & Astronomical
Clue 3
Mercury & Capricorn, Earth & Scorpio, Mars & Libra, and Uranus & Sagittarius
Clue 4
How far is each planet from the sun?
Mercury (1st) & Capricorn = C (1st Letter). Do this for each planet & astrology sign pairing and you will get CORA.

Clue 1
The solar system & the text must pair together back here.
Clue 2
It looks like we're missing a few planets.
Clue 3
Maybe we don't need all these letters either.
Clue 4
Take the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th letters from each grouping of eight letters. Separate them out into words, and you will get the following information:Daniel and Erin are rivals, always trying to outdo the other. They always give out the same thing, but try to give out more than the other. I love it!Did you know you can get almond chocolate bars and fruit gems on the same block?If you want to get the same type of candy twice, you have to cross the street