Trick or Treat - Card 5

Trick or Treat - Card 5

Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1

Unfortunately for us, I don't speak Latin.


Clue 2

However, I believe that translates to "It was a cold holiday in April // And the clock struck thirteen. "


Clue 3

I'm sure that's a quote from something...


Clue 4

It might be a famous George Orwell novel.



The book is "1984" and so is the answer.


Clue 1

Does anything seem amiss? An issue to be raised, perhaps?


Clue 2

Those dots around the border of the skeleton photo are inconsistent.


Clue 3

If you can't read them with your eyes, perhaps you could read them with your fingers.


Clue 4

These look to be symbols from Braille.



​Translated from Braille, you get the name "BENJAMIN"


Clue 1

One, two, one, two, one, two...


Clue 2

I guess you can consider that shaking your head.


Clue 3

It only seems to move one direction and then back to where it started.


Clue 4

You should start by rotating back & then staying where you are.



Once translated, each section gives you the following clues:One of the blocks is only worth visiting for a single house--but that house is giving out whole snickers bars! It's the only person in the neighborhood doing that!There’s at least one yellow house giving out good stuff this year.Last year there was chocolate all over, but this year only two of the good houses are giving it out.
