Veritas - Card 1
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Clue 1
Do you know the name of the song above this arrow?
Clue 2
This arrow is showing you that the the song name has something to do with these words.
Final Answer: "The Silent Key" is the name of the song and refers to the silent letters in these words. This will help you with your website on the back of the card.

Clue 1
That website doesn't seem to exist.
Clue 2
"the silent key" is your biggest clue.
Clue 3
If you haven't figured out the front of the card yet, come back to this.
Clue 4
Those four words on bottom of the front of the card might be related to this.
Final Answer: The silent letters in those four words will be used to finish your website link:Β

Clue 1
These are some interesting shapes.
Clue 2
These lines might be used to chart a course somewhere on this card.
Clue 3
The best starting point is right at the tip.
Final Answer: Starting at the tip of the rocket and following the lines of the star paths over the quote above will give you the name: EDWARD GRAVE

Clue 1
Do you recognize this famous scientist?
Clue 2
This is Ptolemy, one of the most famous people to chart the solar system.
Clue 3
His version of the solar system didn't start with the sun though...
Clue 4
Look up Ptolemy's version of the solar system. The earth came first.
Final Answer: Ask me about the TRANSMISSION.

Clue 1
It looks like only the words within the circles are enciphered.
Clue 2
The names orbiting the circles will help you out.
Clue 3
All of those names are moons.
Clue 4
The order in which those moons were discovered will help you decipher your words.
Clue 5
Don't forget about where the circles overlap!
Final Answer: "I have learned much in my years undercover. Hopefully, what I am now bringing The Institute will serve the great understanding for which we strive. Seventeen years at NASA and eight more at my present infilitration have shwon me many secrets. Of these, I am writing to present to you the greatest."

Clue 1
When you go to the Infiniti Institutes website, you'll need to entere the person's name.
Clue 2
If you have entered the person's name correctly, you should see an e-mail address.
Clue 3
Try sending an e-mail with a subject line mentioning what Ptolemy gave you.
Clue 4
If you have sent an e-mail mentioning "The Transmission," you'll receive e-mail bacj with another link inside -- it appears to be missing a portion of the website though.
Clue 5
Use the information you got from the scrambled message on the back of the card to get the correct website.
Clue 6
The password is related to the stamp on the back of your postcard.
The password is "INCOGNITO."