Blowback Card 5
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
Each grouping of birds will become a single letter.
Clue 2
One more thing on this card will assist you.
Clue 3
Hmmm... it can't be a coincidence that your stamps also have birds on them.
Clue 4
The stamps dictate the numerical value of each bird.
Clue 5
Higher birds are worth FIVE, lower birds are worth ONE.
Final Solution: The first grouping has four birds total. Two high, two low. These are 10 and 2 respectively, making a total of 12, which becomes the letter "L".
The plaintext solution reads: "lasttimejason@gmail"

Clue 1
There's not much left here you haven't used.
Clue 2
One element from each of your postcards that hasn't come into play or been used for a puzzle just yet.
Clue 3
Take a look at the length and width of each of the English messages on each post card.
Clue 4
Each line in the English messages is five words long -- the same as the amount of Xs in a row! The amount of lines is also equal to how many Xs exist vertically.
Final Solution: The red X's mark the important words in each message across all 5 cards. The final plaintext reads: "Put Ouroboros in the subject line when you contact me."

Clue 1
If you've solved all your other postcards, you should have everything you need to fill in this grid.
Clue 2
If you can't fill every line, go back and make sure you've solved every puzzle on every card.
Clue 3
The languages used on the side will help you place the words.
Clue 4
Once the chart is filled, examine it carefully.
Clue 5
From every angle and ever direction.
Clue 6
The password you seek is written bottom-up.
Final Solution: You should see the word "vengeance" written in the last blocks where they all line up.

Clue 1
There's a lot to process here, but you can't do it all.
Clue 2
Pay attention to his directions for receiving the files.
Clue 3
If "shipment" is the first code to retrieve a file, that should tell you where to find the rest.
Clue 4
Have you decipher all of your stamps? If not, now is a good time.
Clue 6
Final Solution: Send emails to Jason using each of the decoded stamp words from the previous 4 cards.

Clue 1
Jason sent you a lot of files, and you'll have to make sense of them in order to help the FBI.
Clue 2
If you don't have any files/e-mails from Jason, you'll want to go back and get them before you proceed.
Clue 3
If you've solved each of the first 4 cards in their entirity, you will be able to identify the correct code number from each list.
Final Solution: Cross reference the details of each card (location, codename, and role within the Ouroboros) to identify a single number from each list.Shipment - Yggdrasil - Seattle - Boss - 7845530Chateau - Unicorn - Poughkeepsie - Recruiter - 9046671Broadside - Leviathan - Dallas - Operations Chief - 3433321Periscope - Manticore - Austin - Mole - 3233212