Cryptids- Card 5
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
That's not an English word, but language is it?
Clue 2
It's in Dutch.
Final Solution: That's the Dutch word for REPEAT.

Clue 1
Gibberish. Have you figured out what that word above translates to?
Clue 2
How can that be applied here?
Clue 3
What "repeats" in each of these words?
Final Solution: If you search each word for any time a letter is repeated inside a single word, you get the word: Mamlambo

Clue 1
There are several things happening in this image. ALl of them will assist you in figuring out the other.
Clue 2
First, what country does that flag belong to?
Clue 3
The outline will confirm your solution.
Final Solution: The flag belongs to South Africa, which fully contains the nation indicated by the outline: Lesotho.

Clue 1
Where else have you seen these colors?
Clue 2
You may need to check back on your work.
Clue 3
Take a closer look at your card fronts.
Clue 4
Your card dates will give you a better order.
The five cards' front border colors matches these letters. The dates of each card will tell you the order to arrange them in. Rearranging them, you get: Where Mohale blocks a little orange.

Clue 1
There are two messages here.
Clue 2
The text is telling you one thing, and certain anomalies are telling you a second.
Clue 3
Those capitalizations seem somewhat random...
The text references dams and the capitalized letters LHWP indicate the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.

Clue 1
Alright, you should have the rest of the card solved (except for the stamps) to put all the pieces together. Think about what you know.
Clue 2
You know you're in Lesotho. You know you're looking for a dam related to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. What else?
Clue 3
Have you figured out what Mohale is?
Final Solution: Mohale Dam, part of the LHWP, is a dam that blocks off a river known as 'Little orange,' but its actual name is the Senqunyane River.

Clue 1
Some of these images look familiar.
Clue 2
Go back to where you first began your journey.
Clue 3
Return to a group of intrepid cryptozoologists.
Clue 4
βFinal Solution: Going back to the cryptozoology faculty page where you first started, each stamp corresponds to a clickable word in each faculty member's bio. Click them in the right order to get to your final page, which will require a password that you'll have if you've completed everything else.
Additional Solution: If you have clicked through, you will see a wall of redacted text. Highlight it to reveal the secret message: THE MONGOOSE IS COMING.