Migratory - Card 1
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Clue 1
Figuring out another word for "dove" may help.
Clue 2
Even dead languages may be useful.
Clue 3
The scientific name for dove is "Columbidae"
Clue 4
The bracketed text after "Dove" is an encrypted form of Columbidae, and will help you solve the letters around the border.
Each pair of letters has been swapped with each other, slightly muddling the entire message. Thus an ABCD word would appear BADC and, in a long string, make very little sense.

Clue 1
How are yellow, blue, and green related?
Clue 2
Yellow and blue make green, or rather, green exists between yellow & blue.
Clue 3
Find the "Green" letter in each line.
Clue 4
Each line has a yellow and blue letter (with one exception). You want to find the letter that, alphabetically, comes between the two marked letters on each line.
Each marked line yields one letter, specifically the letter that is equidistant in the alphabet between the yellow and blue letter on each line (except for the one line that gives you an already green letter, which you can take at face value).
The plaintext reads: "Rosslyn Chapel."

Clue 1
Pay attention to your punctuation.
Clue 2
Each line ending with a period will give you a word.
Each line, some riddle-like and some semantic, give you a single word.
The plaintext reads: "I found the Holy Grail."

Clue 1
Pause here until you have all the information you need to submit online.
Clue 2
If you've been asked for a location for this card's artifact, and tried Rosslyn Chapel, you'll need to be more specific. What are these images telling you?
Clue 3
You've got a grave... and a choir.
At Rosslyn Chapel there is only one grave found in the choir part of the building and that is the grave of "William Sinclair."